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for child rape
The Death Penalty:
Unwise for Child Rape
The National Law Journal
January 21, 2008
Jan. 4, the U.S. Supreme Court granted Patrick Kennedy's petition
to review his capital sentence for raping his eight-year old step-daughter. Kennedy v. Louisiana, No. 07-343. One of only two people on death
row for a nonhomicidal offense (the other is also in Louisiana),
he claims that the Eighth Amendment forbids the ultimate penalty
to be imposed on the perpetrator of a violent crime in which the
victim does not die. As a matter of constitutional law, he has
a very strong position. But even if the court rejects his challenge,
legislators should spurn calls to expand a punishment that is plainly
counter-productive in this setting — not to mention, declining
here and moribund in the rest of the world.
Precedent is on Kennedy's side. In Coker
v. Georgia, 433 U.S.
584 (1977), Justice Byron R. White, writing for four members of
the court, found death to be an excessive sentence for a defendant
who raped a 16-year old at knifepoint after tying up her husband,
and then abducted her from her home. In his decision (rendered
a holding by Justice William J. Brennan Jr.'s and Justice Thurgood
Marshall's usual separate statements that capital punishment always
violates the Constitution), he conceded the crime's gravity, yet
concluded that the death penalty, "unique in its severity
and irrevocability," is disproportionate for "the rapist
who, as such, does not take human life."
The respondent seeks to limit Coker on the ground, relied on by
the Louisiana Supreme Court, that the plurality several times mentioned
the victim's status as an "adult woman." Yet Justice
F. Lewis Powell Jr. dissented in part because the lead opinion
drew "a bright line between murder and all rapes — regardless
of the degree of brutality of the rape or the effect upon the victim." As
someone privy to the court's discussions, he presumably knew whether
his colleagues deemed the victim's survival, or age, to be the
crucial factor. Moreover, the plurality's stated view that "[s]hort
of homicide," rape — presumably, of any kind — "is
the 'ultimate violation of self' " corroborates his interpretation.
A disproportionate penalty
Apart from Coker, independent constitutional analysis supports
the petitioner's bid to overturn his sentence. Under the governing "evolving
standards of decency" test, the Eighth Amendment bars a penalty
that is grossly out of proportion to the severity of the crime.
For objective indicia of prevailing standards, the court looks
mainly to legislative action; it also considers actual practice,
as embodied in jury verdicts.
A mere five states have statutes that authorize execution for
child rape, and all but Louisiana require a prior conviction of
a sexual offense. While the court below cited a "trend" toward
adoption of such laws since Coker, and recent Supreme Court cases
outlawing death for juveniles and the mentally retarded take into
account the direction of change, more significant is the fact that
jurors have imposed that sentence in only two cases, in a sole
jurisdiction. Indeed, Louisiana itself may have little interest
in obtaining, as opposed to threatening, this sanction. An amicus
brief filed by public defender offices notes that, "in the
vast majority" of child rape cases, the prosecutor reduces
the charge on the eve of trial. (This maneuver, typical of the
gamesmanship pervasive in capital litigation, permits the state
to prevail with a nonunanimous jury — after having forced
these offices to expend the huge sums needed to prepare a defense
against death.)
The court also brings its own judgment to bear on a punishment's
acceptability. Should the substantive excessiveness argument alone
not persuade the justices, they should consider the practical realities
that reinforce it. Child rape prosecutions pose too high a risk
of convicting the innocent to comport with the heightened need
for reliability in capital cases. Children are very susceptible
to adult suggestion; their stories frequently change over time
and in response to different questioners. Further, statutes often
allow young witnesses to testify under conditions diluting the
defendant's right to confront his accuser. In Kennedy itself, the
victim recanted her initial account of an attack mounted by two
teenagers, and the prosecution introduced critical evidence in
the form of a videotaped interview with her.
Finally, even if constitutional — and despite the heinous
nature of the crime — statutes like Louisiana's represent
bad social policy. Child rape is generally committed by close family
members or friends. By raising the stakes to life or death, such
laws will likely augment the existing problem of underreporting.
Moreover, protracted capital proceedings will worsen the youthful
witness's trauma. For these reasons, even death penalty advocates
should resist it in this context.
